From Dayna to All panelists and other attendees: (06:21 PM)
can you use frozen blueberries?
No. They contain too much water.
From Linda Wright to All panelists and other attendees: (06:24 PM)
From tank c. to All panelists and other attendees: (06:25 PM)
Green Gage plums, maybe.
Yes, I think they were green gage plums that I fermented.
From Betsey to All panelists and other attendees: (06:27 PM)
do you keep the kumquats whole.
Yes. I keep them whole.
From Glenn to All panelists and other attendees: (06:32 PM)
Aren’t cherries high in sugar?
They increase in sugar as they ripen. But using firm cherries and keeping them whole
Is fine for fermenting.
From Deborah to All panelists and other attendees: (06:37 PM)
Do you HAVE to use a higher concentration of salt with the cherries, compared to sauerkraut for example? Or can you use the same concentration as sauerkraut?
It is best to use a minimum of 2 teaspoons sea salt to one cup filtered water.
From Adelyn to All panelists and other attendees: (06:38 PM)
how long do you let the cherries ferment?
At ambient temperature of around 70F, I ferment them for 7 – 10 days and then transfer to the fridge.
From Mira to All panelists and other attendees: (06:38 PM)
1 week
From tank to All panelists and other attendees: (06:38 PM)
7-10 days
From John to All panelists and other attendees: (06:40 PM)
Deborah, the more confident you are in your cleanliness the lower you can go on the salt.
From tank to All panelists and other attendees: (06:44 PM)
Were the fermented plums that were not Ume rip when fermented or not?
All types of plums ferment better if they are firm.
From Linda to All panelists and other attendees: (06:44 PM)
are fresh apricots too sweet?
I have fermented apricots when they are just ripe BUT still from and no blemishes on them.
From Dayna to All panelists and other attendees: (06:44 PM)
can you use whey from cashews?
so its vegan
If the whey contains lactobacilli strains then it should work, although I have not tried it.
From Linda to All panelists and other attendees: (06:47 PM)
this has been very informative. thank you for sharing yourself.
From Deborah to All panelists and other attendees: (06:47 PM)
if i made sauerkraut and put it in the fridge, but now decided I want it to ferment it more, can i take it out of the fridge for more fermenting? If yes, do I have to put the kraut source back on?
From Kathryn to All panelists and other attendees: (06:50 PM)
You’re welcome.
Thank you so much for all the information. You are adorable.
Gosh, thanks.
From Betsey to All panelists and other attendees: (06:50 PM)
is rhubarb a fruit of veg? It’s a vegetable. I used your 1 tsp to one cup h2o brine but added a TBSP lacto juice from a cauliflower ferment and some cardamom and star anise with the rhubarb. how long do you think it’ll take. it’s been 3 days
I would let it ferment for at least 7 – 8 days.
From Lisa to All panelists and other attendees: (06:51 PM)
Will it release too much sugar if you pit the cherries before fermenting?
It depends on the ripeness of the cherries. I have pitted cherries and fermented them with pearl onions with great results.
From Adelyn to All panelists and other attendees: (06:51 PM)
what is the difference between fermenting fruit or vegetables?
It’s the same basic principles, but just be careful NOT to use fruits that are high in sugar exclusively.
From Mira to All panelists and other attendees: (06:51 PM)
So I recently had a fermenting disaster where I used radishes and they got so smelly my landlady said she wanted to vomit. Does this happen with all radishes? Why did it happen?
Some radishes have a very high sulfur content (as do some cruciferous vegetables), and fermentation can accentuate the sulfur, depending on the type of radish.
I suggest that you use radish plus some other non-sulfur vegetable (or fruit) and mix them other next time. Here’s one of my recipes using radish + water melon rind:
From Juan-Carlos to All panelists and other attendees: (06:51 PM)
Do you ever use live culture vinegar?
You can add in a little, but I am afraid that it may throw off the lacto-fermentation as vinegars
have another type of bacteria (acetobacter). Having said that, acetobacter actually needs oxygen so if you add in, say, no more than 1 -2 Tablespoons to your lacto-fermenting vegetables, it will probably be OK because lacto-fermentation is anaerobic.
From Linda to All panelists and other attendees: (06:52 PM)
can I save the whey from my fermented sauerkraut and freeze it
I have never tried freezing a fermented brine or whey, but have been told by microbiologists that the live-cultures can be revived after freezing.
From tank to All panelists and other attendees: (06:53 PM)
Question on the plums was that you showed one jar of Ume, one that was not Ume but another green plum, possibly Green Gage. I'm wondering if that second jar that wasn't Ume were fully ripe when fermented. They were really crunchy!
That crunchy one wasn’t ume. I think it was green gauge?
From Emily McIvor to All panelists and other attendees: (07:00 PM)
Thank you so much!
From Glenn Bowman to All panelists and other attendees: (07:01 PM)
Outstanding Karen! Please run for President!
Gosh, you are too funny! : )
I’ll run for president of my kitchen.
From Emily McIvor to All panelists and other attendees: (07:01 PM)
This has been really fantastic and helpful.
From Juan-Carlos to All panelists and other attendees: (07:01 PM)
From Pam to All panelists and other attendees: (07:01 PM)
Thanks so much!!!
From Glenn to All panelists and other attendees: (07:02 PM)
I’m so grateful to you!
From Dayna to All panelists and other attendees: (07:02 PM)
Thank you!
From Penny to All panelists and other attendees: (07:02 PM)
This was GREAT. Thank you so much. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
From Lisa Clark to All panelists and other attendees: (07:02 PM)
So helpful! Thank you!
From Rita to All panelists and other attendees: (07:02 PM)
thank you
From Penny to All panelists and other attendees: (07:05 PM)
From Penny Great webinar. Thank you. great to have a variety of ferments....lots of different nutrients. thank you so much
From tank to All panelists and other attendees: (07:13 PM)
Vegetable. Stem.
From Deborah to All panelists and other attendees: (07:14 PM)
I have another question! I made your red cabbage with raisins ferment, and I washed the red cabbage with tap water without thinking (and tap water has chlorine), and it took forever to start fermenting, and now it has bubbles in it, but it formed mold on the top of the liquid (I removed the mold but it formed again). It tastes salty like it hasn’t fermented enough yet. should i throw it away??
So sorry that you are having the mold problem. Did you make a brine using chlorinated water?
Please email me if you want to figure it out.
From tank to All panelists and other attendees: (07:16 PM)
Daikon ferments are so tasty!
From Juan-Carlos Foust to All panelists and other attendees: (07:18 PM)
Can you talk a little bit about fermented hot sauce?
Yes! I love it. And are super easy to make.
You can experiment with all different types of chilis, BUT please be careful with the very spicy ones when handling them. I typically de-seed them and ferment them with garlic.
Here’s one for sriracha:
From Deborah to All panelists and other attendees: (07:20 PM)
oh! re my earlier question, it was covered with a layer of white. maybe it wasn’t mold, but was yeast. I will keep it going for now.
Thank you!!!
From tank to All panelists and other attendees: (07:20 PM)
Thank you! Great presentation!
Thank you! Great presentation!
From Juan-Carlos to All panelists and other attendees: (07:20 PM)
Karen you’re a legend!
Ha! Perhaps a legend in my own mind. : )
From Shoshana to All panelists and other attendees: (07:21 PM)
Thank you so much Karen, very enjoyable and learned a lot'
THANK YOU everyone for attending the webinar and for all your great questions and feedback.
Looking forward to being with you again next time.
Chief Fermentation Officer
Kraut Source